Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes

quote from Chase the Moon- Some people are just downright wicked, and sometimes evil wins - but not always. -
Lynn Hubbard

Hope Quotes

Rafe made people find something in themselves...(he) made me dream, he saw what I could hope to be, and helped me hope it. He did that to everyone he knew - especially the ones he knew the best." - Danny -
Randall Wallace

Hope Quotes

Regardless of how black the page, he had always managed to turn it and move on to a new chapter in his life. -
Robert Masello

Hope Quotes

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. ESV -

Hope Quotes

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. -
Steve Jobs

Hope Quotes

Rien ne va arrêter ma quête pour te trouver" No one will stop my quest to find you. -
Susane Colasanti