Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes

Hoffnung ist das Gefühl, dass das Gefühl, das du hast, nicht ewig dauert -
Jean Kerr

Hope Quotes

Home was not a perfect place. But it was the only home they had and they could hope to make it better. -
Dean Koontz

Hope Quotes

Hope and desire,All unfulfilled,Have more than ropeAnd hangman killed. -
Stevie Smith

Hope Quotes

Hope and faith goes hand-in-hand, because without hope there is no faith. The same goes with want and needs, without any wants, there no need to have a need -
Temitope Owosela

Hope Quotes

Hope and faith underlie a promise,and love energizes men to realize it. -
Toba Beta

Hope Quotes

Hope and reality lie in inverse proportions. -
Jodi Picoult