Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes

People are just too hopeful, and sometimes hope is the biggest weapon of all to use against us. People will believe anything. -
Edwidge Danticat

Hope Quotes

Perseverance and gratefulness makes hope closer to the blessing. -
Toba Beta

Hope Quotes

Poets are damned… but see with the eyes of angels. -
Allen Ginsberg

Hope Quotes

Pray like it all depends on God, but work like it all depends on you. -
Dave Ramsey

Hope Quotes

Prayer, faith, and vision, plus real effort too.Blend them together for one potent brew;The magical spell to your dreams coming true. -
Richelle E. Goodrich

Hope Quotes

Pride and power fall when the person falls, but discoveries of truth form legacies that can be built upon for generations. -
Criss Jami