Hope Quotes

Hope Quotes

Man must use what he has, not hope for what is not. -
G.I. Gurdjieff

Hope Quotes

Many are less fortunate than you’ may not be a roof to live under, but it will serve to retire beneath in the event of a shower. -
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Hope Quotes

Maybe I am everything I knew that I would never be. I looked back at Jay and smiled. -
Holly Hood

Hope Quotes

Maybe the future is like rowing for shore. Your only choice is to try or give up. -
Kristen Chandler

Hope Quotes

me and you, we got more yesterday than anybody. We need some kind of tomorrow."Paul D -
Toni Morrison

Hope Quotes

Men and women are not limited by the place of their birth, not by color of their skin, but by the size of their hope. -
John Johnson