Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

Das Glück ist das einzige, das sich verdoppelt, wenn man es teilt. -
Albert Schweitzer

Happiness Quotes

Das Glück ist nicht in den Dingen, die wir besitzen, sondern in den Dingen, die zu besitzen wir glauben. -
Johannes Mario Simmel

Happiness Quotes

Defeat the warriors of patience and time with Cosmic Ordering. -
Stephen Richards

Happiness Quotes

Diseases, problems, bad days and memories are all known by God ... But only those who thinks that they are just jokes from God and life, and reply with a smile SURVIVE. -
Yazan Haddadin

Happiness Quotes

disputing nothing is the first step through the difficult door of happiness -
Padgett Powell

Happiness Quotes

Do not give hope where there is none.Do not turn away hope where there is seldom some. -
Rosen Topuzov