Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

I want that. I want that awful intense and serious unhappiness, cos then I might feel better, and then I might be happy. -
David Thewlis

Happiness Quotes

I want to learn your trickery and feel what it’s like to have me wrapped around your finger. I want to lie to everyone because it gets me where I want faster. I want to be like you, because you are blind; and now that I finally see, I don’t want to. -
Coco J. Ginger

Happiness Quotes

I want to read, write, and nothing else. I do not want to get married, I do not want to go to church, I do not want to file taxes; I do not want to eat. But Grandma disagrees, and Grandma always wins. -
Coco J. Ginger

Happiness Quotes

I wanted color. I wanted to soar with happiness even if it meant dealing with the weight of fear and guilt, too. I wanted to live. -
Heather Anastasiu

Happiness Quotes

I was perfectly happy in my boring life before you came along. -
Elizabeth Gilbert

Happiness Quotes

I was supposed to act breezy, but my fingertips are shaking, and my heart won’t stop its rapid beating.I’m giving in. I cannot cave. -
Coco J. Ginger