Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

Good sex isn’t just fun, it keeps us sane and happy. Having sex with someone makes us feel wanted, alive and potent -
Alain de Botton

Happiness Quotes

Good thoughts can become reality with Cosmic Ordering. -
Stephen Richards

Happiness Quotes

Gratitude always comes into play; research shows that people are happier if they are grateful for the positive things in their lives, rather than worrying about what might be missing. -
Dan Buettner

Happiness Quotes

Gratitude is pure happiness.Happiness is sure perfection. -
Sri Chinmoy

Happiness Quotes

Grief helps you come to grips with the loss of a loved one. Guilt helps you make better moral decisions or bring you to apologise for a wrongdoing. In proper doses, these types of negative emotions are necessary and healthy. -
Stephen Richards

Happiness Quotes

Happiness and bacteria have one thing in common; they multiply by dividing! -
Rutvik Oza