Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

My mind to me a kingdom is,Such present joys therein I find,That it excels all other blissThat world affords or grows by kind.Though much I want which most would have,Yet still my mind forbids to crave. -
Edward Dyer

Happiness Quotes

My parents have been married forty-two years. I wonder how many of those were happy. -
Michael Palin

Happiness Quotes

My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me; it has only strengthened me. -
Steve Maraboli

Happiness Quotes

My personal opinion is that the neutral position on the mood spectrum—what I called emotional sea level—is nothappiness but rather contentment and the calm acceptance that is the goal of many kinds of spiritual practice. -
Andrew Weil

Happiness Quotes

My religion is euphoria. -
Lionel Suggs

Happiness Quotes

My soul feels reborn each time I see you; falling in love with you again and again. -
Steve Maraboli