Happiness Quotes

Happiness Quotes

The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give. -
Oprah Winfrey

Happiness Quotes

The happy life does not mean loving what we possess, but possessing what we love." Possession of the beloved, St. Thomas holds, takes place in an act of cognition, in seeing, in intuition, in contemplation. -
Josef Pieper

Happiness Quotes

The intention that man should be happy is not in the plan of Creation. -
Sigmund Freud

Happiness Quotes

The key to failure is ignoring Cosmic Ordering. -
Stephen Richards

Happiness Quotes

The key to knowing joy is being easily pleased. -
Mark Nepo

Happiness Quotes

The lack of power to take joy in outdoor nature is as real a misfortune as the lack of power to take joy in books -
Theodore Roosevelt