God Quotes

God Quotes

To say on the authority of the Bible that God does a thing no honourable man would do, is to lie against God; to say that it is therefore right, is to lie against the very spirit of God. -
George MacDonald

God Quotes

To shame our sins He blushed in blood;He closed His eyes to show us God;Let all the world fall down and knowThat none but God such love can show -
Bernard of Clairvaux

God Quotes

To talk about God, except in the context of prayer, is to take His name in vain.One may, indeed, talk to a child about God, but this is on a par with telling him that he was brought to his mother by a stork. -
Ferdinand Ebner

God Quotes

To their simple, degenerate minds there was only one thing to do when faced by a God more powerful than their own: Convert.Brandon Sanderson(Elantris) -
Brandon Sanderson

God Quotes

To whom pursuit beauty only have to see their reflection in the mirror because you are a child of god and there is no more beauty in that -
Vira Luna

God Quotes

Today is the day to stop, look around, realize where you are in relation to where you want to be, change direction if needed and move forward with faith in God and in yourself. -
Toni Sorenson