God Quotes

God Quotes

It is very important not to mistake hemlock for parsley; but not at all so to believe or not in God. -
Denis Diderot

God Quotes

It is when people do not allow God to show up through them ... that the world collapses in on itself. -
Donald Miller

God Quotes

It is written on the gate of heaven: Nothing in existence is more powerful than destiny. And destiny brought you here, to this page, which is part of your ticket-as all things are-to return to God. -

God Quotes

It may be a species of impudence to think that the way you understand God is the way God is. (60). -
Joseph Campbell

God Quotes

It may not always be easy, convenient or politically correct to stand for truth and right, but it is the right thing to do. Always. -
M. Russell Ballard

God Quotes

It seems to me that religion is losing momentum and God is making a comeback. -
Steve Maraboli