God Quotes

God Quotes

Ron Sanders

God Quotes

Conscience is the light by which we interpret the will of God in our own lives. -
Thomas Merton

God Quotes

Conscience is thus explained only as the voice of God in the soul. -
Peter Kreeft

God Quotes

Considering the notion that the spiritual battlefield is infinitely greater than the physical, perhaps God is more willing to bless with a sort of divine ecstasy those who see the devil as the enemy rather than those who see other people as the enemies. -
Criss Jami

God Quotes

Contemplative prayer is natural, unprogrammed; it is perpetual openness to God, so that in the openness his concerns can flow in and out of our minds as he wills. -
Ray Simpson

God Quotes

Daniel 12:3 "...and those who turn the many to righteousness will shine the stars forever. -
Craig Dressler