God Quotes

God Quotes

We keep hoping in God while reality keeps knocking at our door. -
Shina Charles Memud

God Quotes

We know not whom God loves nor whom He hates. -
John Mandeville

God Quotes

We may be helpless to stop bad things from happening, but perhaps God leaves us signs and road maps to help us recover and reconnect, provided we know where to look. -
Jennifer Gardner Trulson

God Quotes

We might be wise to follow the insight of the enraptured heart rather than the more cautious reasoning of the theological mind. -
A.W. Tozer

God Quotes

We must be faithful to the present moment or we will frustrate the plan of God for our lives. -
Solanus Casey

God Quotes

We must be ready to learn from one another, not claiming that we alone possess all truth and that somehow we have a corner on God. -
Desmond Tutu