God Quotes

God Quotes

If God sends us on strong paths, we are provided strong shoes. -
Corrie ten Boom

God Quotes

If God was kind enoough to give us the Earth,We should be kind enought to take care of it. -
Anubha Srivastava

God Quotes

If God were not only to hear our prayers, as he does ever and always, but to answer them as we want them answered, he would not be God our Saviour but the ministering genius of our destruction. -
George MacDonald

God Quotes

If grace belongs to God, there are those who say that luck belongs to the Devil and that he looks after his own. -
Sarah Dunant

God Quotes

If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that I have worked with God. -
G.K. Chesterton

God Quotes

If I had to create a god, I would lend him a slow understanding : a kind of drip-by-drip understanding of problems. People who understand quickly frighten me. -
Roland Barthes