God Quotes

God Quotes

The heart is cooking a pot of food for you. Be patient until it is cooked -
Mawlânâ Djalal al-Din Rumi

God Quotes

The highest prize we can receive for creative work is the joy of being creative. Creative effort spent for any other reason than the joy of being in that light filled space, love, god, whatever we want to call it, is lacking in integrity. . . -
Marianne Williamson

God Quotes

The Holy Spirit is the most perfect gift of the Father to men, and yet He is the one gift which the Father gives most easily. -
Thomas Merton

God Quotes

The humble sinner will sometimes be interpreted as one of the filthiest in the eyes of man yet immersed in the eyes of God, and this is due to the volition of honesty regarding his own corruption. -
Criss Jami

God Quotes

The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr. -
Muhammad Ibn Abdullah

God Quotes

The Kingdom of God is within you. -
Jesus Christ