God Quotes

God Quotes

Not sure if there is a God or why some all-powerful being would give half a damn about the likes of me. -
Ellen Hopkins

God Quotes

Nothing significant in the kingdom of God happens unless death occurs. -
Mary DeMuth

God Quotes

Nothing which implies contradiction falls under the omnipotence of God. -
St. Thomas Aquinas

God Quotes

Nothing will unfold for us unless we move toward whatlooks to us like nothing: faith is a cascade. -
Alice Fulton

God Quotes

Now I know why the Lord took his day off on Sunday. That must be the day he personally greets his favorites. -
Jason F. Wright

God Quotes

O Ali, Since mankind seeks to come near to their Creator through all kinds of piety, bring yourself close to Him through activities of the intellect, so that you may arrive there before all of them. -