God Quotes | |
I am unaware of his plans but I shall never stop believing in them because I cannot fathom them and I prefer to mistrust my own intellectual capacities than his justice. - | |
Alexis de Tocqueville | |
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God Quotes | |
I am very close to HIM, sometimes I think I am HIM, with my mood is the weather,bright and sunny forever. - | |
Santosh Kalwar | |
God Quotes | |
I believe in a benevolent God not because He created the Grand Canyon or Michelangelo, but because He gave us snacks. - | |
Paul Rudnick | |
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God Quotes | |
I believe that God is in me, as the sun is in the color and fragrance of a flower, the Light in my darkness, the Voice in my silence. - | |
Helen Keller | |
God Quotes | |
I believe that people who are devoutly religious, within any specific religion, have no true respect for the ultimate vastness that is God. - | |
Clair Huffaker | |
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God Quotes | |
I call them sacred echoes because I noticed that throughout my relationships, daily life, and study, the same scripturally sound idea or phrase or word will keep reappearing until I can no longer avoid its presence." -The Sacred Echo - | |
Margaret Feinberg |