God Quotes

God Quotes

God, nevertheless, required a little help from men, and what he mostly got was hindrance. -
Ellis Peters

God Quotes

God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain. -
C.S. Lewis

God Quotes

God’s sovereign will is not at the whim and mercy of our person and individual responses to it. -
R.C. Sproul

God Quotes

GodHe gives you unconditional love He’s always there for you He only wants you to love him as much as he loves you These may all be true - - -But they spelled his name backwards. -
R “Doc” Kohl

God Quotes

Gods are everythiong powerful and can create and destroy anything using love and only love for that is all they feel. That makes the Devil a God too for he loves the world. Witness his masterpiece! -
Erick C. Ramos

God Quotes

Good works is giving to the poor and the helpless, but divine works is showing them their worth to the One who matters. -
Criss Jami