Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

Maybe I was naïve to think that silence was implicit complacence, instead of a festering question. Maybe I was silly to believe that friends owed each other anything. -
Jodi Picoult

Friendship Quotes

Men always complained I had a lot of boyfriends. I never agreed, or disagreed. I was too busy kissing to care. I disapproved of jealous complainers and had not an opinion on their opinion of me. -
Coco J. Ginger

Friendship Quotes

Michael Powell knows what I am going to say even before I say it — maybe even before I have thought it – and that is very rare. You are lucky if you meet someone like that once in your life. -
Emeric Pressburger

Friendship Quotes

Mighty proud I am that I am able to have a spare bed for my friends. -
Samuel Pepys

Friendship Quotes

Moral science is better occupied when treating of friendship than of justice. -
Thomas Aquinas

Friendship Quotes

More than anythingwe have to realizewe cannotdrain the cup of friendship,taking all we can getof care, attention andconcernwithout doing our shareto help refillthe cup. -
Albert J. Nimeth OFM