Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

Pity and friendship are two passions incompatible with each other. -
Oliver Goldsmith

Friendship Quotes

Please, touch me, I pray. -
Jess C. Scott

Friendship Quotes

Plunderous is the palate I gift to you, openly I hug the universe of our friendship expanding its outer limit. -
Bradley Chicho

Friendship Quotes

Pride was the belt you used to hold your pants up when you had no pants. -
Stephen King

Friendship Quotes

Prijateljstvo se ne bira, rekao je, ono biva, ko zna zbog c(ega, kao ljubav. A ništa ja nisam tebi poklonio, vec' sebi. -
Meša Selimovic'

Friendship Quotes

Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves, that you forget, truly much you have always loved to swim. -
Tyler Knott Gregson