Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

Friendship gives us the strength to turn from lambs into lions. -
Stephen Richards

Friendship Quotes

Friendship has its illusions no less than love. -

Friendship Quotes

Friendship has splendors that love knows not. It grows stronger when crossed, whereas obstacles kill love. Friendship resists time, which wearies and severs couples. It has heights unknown to love. -
Mariama Bâ

Friendship Quotes

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief. -
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Friendship Quotes

Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom. -
Francis Bacon

Friendship Quotes

Friendship is a deep oneness that develops when two people, speaking the truth in love to one another, journey together to the same horizon. -
Timothy Keller