Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

I can tell you, dearest friend, that if it became known how much friendship, love and a world of human and spiritual references I have smuggled into these three movements, the adherents of programme music - should there be any left - would go mad with joy. -
Alban Berg

Friendship Quotes

I could not help but think how fortunate we are when we have real friends, people we can count on and turn to and who are always glad to see us when we are lonely. -
Mindy Warshaw Skolsky

Friendship Quotes

I decided that not talking is like a litmus test for a real friend. You can just sit there and be. Not always be filling up the air with words -
Catherine Ryan Hyde

Friendship Quotes

I finally faced the fact that it isn`t a crime not having friends. Being alone means you have fewer problems. -
Whitney Houston

Friendship Quotes

I gained another friend. -
Tsugumi Ohba

Friendship Quotes

I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society. -
Henry David Thoreau