Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. -
C. S. Lewis

Friendship Quotes

Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing. -
Elie Wiesel

Friendship Quotes

Friendship may, and often does, grow into love, but love never subsides into friendship. -
Lord Byron

Friendship Quotes

Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. -
Baltasar Gracián

Friendship Quotes

Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil. -
Baltasar Gracian

Friendship Quotes

Friendship needs no words - it is solitude delivered from the anguish of loneliness. -
Dag Hammarskjöld