Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

Rejoicing in our joy, not suffering over our suffering, makes someone a friend. -
Friedrich Nietzsche

Friendship Quotes

Remind me to thank God I don’t have a sister. Caine eyed him critically. He was a filthy heap of blood and soot and sand stuck to the gun oil on his face. Yeah, without much enthusiasm. I’ll thank Him for ya. -
V.S. Carnes

Friendship Quotes

Ros was dead.He had loved heroin more than it loved him. I was shocked beyond imagining; he was the first of my friends to fall. -
Craig Ferguson

Friendship Quotes

Sahabat yang baik adalah bila dia hanya datang dan duduk di sebelah kita, tanpa kata apa-apa. Dan kemudian, kita tinggalkannya dengan perasaan seolah-olah telah bercakap lama dengannya. -
Aifa Batrisya

Friendship Quotes

Secrecy is the chastity of friendship. -
Jeremy Taylor

Friendship Quotes

Share your knowledge, your wisdom, your passion, your experiences. Make a difference. Everyone is fascinating in their own way. -
Justin Cotillard