Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

I have a very close friendship with the skaters. -
Eric Heiden

Friendship Quotes

I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world. -
Thomas A. Edison

Friendship Quotes

I have learned that for each person who will let you down and shock you, there will also be one who shocks you by coming through -
Evette Carter

Friendship Quotes

I have long enjoyed the friendship and companionship of Republicans because I am by instinct a teacher, and I would like to teach them something. -
Woodrow Wilson

Friendship Quotes

I have lost my seven best friends, which is to say God has had mercy on me seven times without realizing it. He lent a friendship, took it from me, sent me another. -
Jean Cocteau

Friendship Quotes

I hope to continue my friendship with France and its filmmakers for many years to come. -
Harvey Weinstein