Friendship Quotes

Friendship Quotes

There are only a handful of people that you can trust, five to be precise. -
Leigh Painter

Friendship Quotes

There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity. -
Samuel Johnson

Friendship Quotes

There comes that mysterious meeting in life when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be, igniting the circuits of our highest potential. -
Rusty Berkus

Friendship Quotes

There has been a cultural shift in the way we communicate, and that, in turn, has had an effect on our relating. We have traded substance and depth for speed and convenience. -
Philip D. Halfacre

Friendship Quotes

There has to be chemistry in a duet, but if you go beyond the point of friendship and attraction, you lose something. -
Kenny Rogers

Friendship Quotes

There is a scarcity of friendship, but not of friends. -
Thomas Fuller