Family Quotes

Family Quotes

Pack is for comfort when you hurt, I thought, putting my head back down. And for the first time in a long time, maybe the first time ever, I appreciated being a part of one. -
Patricia Briggs

Family Quotes

Pais que não conhecem a si mesmo não são capazes de evitar a reprodução, em seus filhos, de suas disfunções -
Carlos Messa

Family Quotes

Parenthood doesn’t improve one’s character, it exposes it. -
Leslie A. Gordon

Family Quotes

Pendidikan pada diri seorang anak sesungguhnya dimulai jauh sebelum anak tersebut memiliki tubuh dan kesadaran manusiawinya -
Miranda Risang Ayu

Family Quotes

People need space; families need air; love needs light. Like Mrs. Anastagio always said, -
You need enough rooms to love someone properly.”

Family Quotes

People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to their ancestors. -
Edmund Burke