Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

That the stars guide us, but do not compel us. It is our free will that determines the outcome of all things. God does impose his will on us, rather he makes it known and allows us to choose if we will follow it. -
Kathleen McGowan

Faith Quotes

The back door of every tomb opens on a hilltop. -
George MacDonald

Faith Quotes

The Bible is the greatest of all books; to study it is the noblest of all pursuits; to understand it, the highest of all goals. -
Charles C. Ryrie

Faith Quotes

The bird of paradise alights only upon the hand that does not grasp. -
John Berry

Faith Quotes

The cautious faith that never saws off a limb on which it is sitting, never learns that unattached limbs may find strange unaccountable ways of not falling. -
Dallas Willard

Faith Quotes

The Christian should work as if all depended upon him, and pray as if it all depended upon God. -
Charles H. Spurgeon