Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

The closer one approaches to God, the simpler one becomes. -
Teresa of Ávila

Faith Quotes

The day you learn to be publically specific in your prayer, that is the day you will discover power. -
David Wilkerson

Faith Quotes

The deep roots never doubt spring will come. -
Marty Rubin

Faith Quotes

The desire for a strong faith is not the proof of a strong faith, rather the opposite. If one has it one may permit oneself the beautiful luxury of skepticism: one is secure enough, fixed enough for it. -
Friedrich Nietzsche

Faith Quotes

The Father is truly the only Promise Maker who is in earnest a Promise Keeper. A promise from God is a promise kept. -
Sheila Walsh

Faith Quotes

The greatest hindrance to growth in faith is comfortable living. -
John Carey