Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

There are no atheists in the foxhole. -
Ernie Pyle

Faith Quotes

There can only be two basic loves... the love of God unto the forgetfulness of self, or the love of self unto the forgetfulness and denial of God. -
Saint Augustine of Hippo

Faith Quotes

there comes a timewhen you have to let goall the wordsall the teachingand trust the infinite -
Billy Doyle

Faith Quotes

There is no one true church, no one chosen people. -
Terry Tempest Williams

Faith Quotes

There is no proof great enough to prevent doubt. Ir you base your belief on proof, sooner or later you will sink! -
Michael Card

Faith Quotes

There is nothing anti-intellectual in the leap of faith, for faith is not believing without proof but trusting without reservation. -
William Sloane Coffin Jr.