Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

Remaining stable and not accepting all the ideas, is my religion. -
Ali shariati

Faith Quotes

Remember, an easy question can have an easy answer. But a hard question must have a hard answer. And for the hardest questions of all, there may be no answer - except faith. -
Charles Sheffield

Faith Quotes

Science only goes so far, then comes God.- Noah Calhoun- -
Nicholas Sparks

Faith Quotes

Seit wir den Glauben und damit die Wahrheit verloren haben, liegt zwischen Heuchelei und Ehrlichkeit der letzte Unterschied, der uns bleibt. -
Juli Zeh

Faith Quotes

Self abandoned, relaxed and effortless, I seemed to have laid me down in the dried-up bed of a great river; I heard a flood loosened in remote mountains, I felt the torrent come; to rise I had no will, to flee I had no strength. -
Charlotte Brontë

Faith Quotes

Serve God, love me, and mend.: -
William Shakespeare