Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

Faith, hope and love," says Charles G. Ames, "are purifiers of the blood. -
The Girl Wanted by Nixon Waterman

Faith Quotes

Faith, Princess," the Prism Cat repeated. "It is a highly underrated weapon against the dark things in this world. -
Terry Brooks

Faith Quotes

Fate, no doubt, had a hand in it. -
Arlene J. Chai

Faith Quotes

Father, I serve the Messiah, the Christ. Not any Caesar. His kingdom is not of this world, and no man need fight for it. All empires will pass away, but Christ lives. He is love and peace, and his kingdom will last forever. -
David Holdsworth

Faith Quotes

Fe es aquello que nos permite creer en cosas que sabemos que no son ciertas. -
Bram Stoker

Faith Quotes

Fear is always at war with faith. -
Toba Beta