Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

True love is born of experience, not fairy dust. -
Janette Oke

Faith Quotes

Two natures beat within my breastThe one is foul, the one is blessedThe one I love, the one I hate.The one I feed will dominate.-Anonymous -
Tara Leigh Cobble

Faith Quotes

Un sceptique qui adhère à un croyant cela est simple comme la loi des couleurs complémentaires.Ce qui nous manque nous attire. -
Victor Hugo

Faith Quotes

Unless there is within us that which is above us, we shall soon yield to that which is about us. -
P.T. Forsyth

Faith Quotes

Unless you are willing to do the ridiculous, God will not do the miraculous. When you have God, you don’t have to know everything about it; you just do it. -
Mother Angelica

Faith Quotes

Upon the lips of babes asleep I saw light embracing light and so allowed my syllables to rest there as a prayer they might sing in their dreams... -