Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

It would be the height of absurdity to label ignorance tempered by humility "faith"!(Institutio III.2.3) -
John Calvin

Faith Quotes

Jalani dan akhiri hidup Kristen anda sebagaimana Anda memulainya, yaitu dengan tetap terus mempercayai Kristus dalam segala situasi. Ingatlah, bukan langkah awal menentukan, tapi langkah akhir dalam kesetiaan -

Faith Quotes

Jauh lebih menyenangkan merasa bahwa Tuhan mendengarkanmu dan mengatakan tidak, ketimbang merasa tak ada siapa pun yang mendengarkanmu -
Mitch Albom

Faith Quotes

Jesus Christ—who, as it turns out, was born of a virgin, cheated death, and rose bodily into the heavens—can now be eaten in the form of a cracker -
Sam Harris

Faith Quotes

Jesus lets us be real with our life and our faith. -
Bob Goff

Faith Quotes

Judged by the normal standards of human affairs, the lives of men and women of God may look overburdened with suffering, and even inconclusive. -
Eknath Easwaran