Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

He has a plan for everybody here and it’s all a matter of whether you answer it when He calls you. -
Lacey Mosley

Faith Quotes

He is the light in my life and the rock beneath my feet. (Referring to the Lord Jesus) -
Kimberly McRae

Faith Quotes

He that hath the steerage of my course,Direct my sail. -
William Shakespeare

Faith Quotes

He who asserts belief with absolute certainty knows nothing of faith and makes himself into a fool. He who is wise, upon realizing they have done this, recants and searches themselves for further enlightenment. -
Cristina Marrero

Faith Quotes

He who has not God in himself cannot feel His absence. -
Simone Weil

Faith Quotes

Here I sit like a brainless robot writing the uncensored, chaotic, evil thoughts springing about in my temperamental female brain. -
Coco J. Ginger