Dreams Quotes

Dreams Quotes

The dream is not a drug but a way. Listen to where it can take you. -
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Dreams Quotes

The dreamer dreams, and the dreamer within the dream dreams. -
Jane Roberts

Dreams Quotes

The energy it took to exit mother’s womb is the same force required to manifest a dream...a different kind of struggle. Push, push, push! -
T.F. Hodge

Dreams Quotes

The eyes were damned, the staring, glaring eyes of one who sees but does not see, eyes ever turned inward to the sterile hell of dreams beyond control, dreams unleashed, risen out of the stinking swamps of the unconscious. -
Stephen King

Dreams Quotes

The fish is my friend too," he said aloud. "I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I ma glad we do not have to kill the stars. -
Ernest Hemingway

Dreams Quotes

The fundamental virtue of success is that it allows you to know the true significance of what it means to have the freedom to make your dreams come true. -
Stacy Keach