Dreams Quotes

Dreams Quotes

Mmmm… stay. Her voice was barely audible, as she grazed her lips against mine and her head fell back against the pillow into a deep sleep. -
J.D. Stroube

Dreams Quotes

More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth. So dust off the cobwebs and use all those great ideas you have! -

Dreams Quotes

Most people keep their dreams to themselves, afraid to follow their hearts. Writers make their dreams a reality with each word, each line that flows from their pen. -
C.K. Webb

Dreams Quotes

Most things that we think are impossible in life, is because we have never tried them. So go for every dream and opportunity before making a judgement. -

Dreams Quotes

Music is the love child birthed from the boundless freedom found in dreams and the rapturous opposition faced in life; for that, we should be so grateful for both the light and the dark. -
Dave Matthes

Dreams Quotes

My dream went all the way back to the beginning. The rain rose into the clouds, and the animals descended the ramp. -
Jonathan Safran Foer