Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Sometimes the dying live more fiercely and wisely than the rest of us. (146) -
Julia Cameron

Death Quotes

Sometimes the only answer to death is lunch. -
Jim Harrison

Death Quotes

Sometimes, war being the unjust and drastic creature it is, those in whom he invested hopes took an arrow in the chest, the useless, by chance, thrived to irritate him another day. -
Paul Hoffman

Death Quotes

Sometimes, war being the unjust and drastic creature it is, those in whom he invested hopes took an arrow in the chest, the useless, by chance, thrived to irritate him another day. -
Paul Hoffman

Death Quotes

Sometimes, war being the unjust and drastic creature it is, those in whom he invested hopes took an arrow in the chest, the useless, by chance, thrived to irritate him another day. -
Paul Hoffman

Death Quotes

Sometimes, war being the unjust and drastic creature it is, those in whom he invested hopes took an arrow in the chest, the useless, by chance, thrived to irritate him another day. -
Paul Hoffman