Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Only in death will we have our own names since only in death are we no longer part of the effort. In death we become heroes. -
Chuck Palahniuk

Death Quotes

Only the dead has seen th end of war -
Mirza Tabish

Death Quotes

Only the debris of wreckage, and not much of that, was left behind by the sharks who fed on tragedy: the fishermen, too, mourned the death of a living child. -
William Trevor

Death Quotes

Only the previous day, Arch had found him in a spirit-dance corral, blistering the creatures to the point of death, such was his need to touch and destroy. -
Frank Beddor

Death Quotes

Only.. I want to do die as myself -
Suzanne Collins

Death Quotes

Open questions like love, life, death, struggle and sex are our experiences, our opinions are not answers but they still remain mysterious unanswered questions. Let it be Open. -
Santosh Kalwar