Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Disneyland remains the central attraction of Southern California, but the graveyard remains our reality. -
Charles Bukowski

Death Quotes

Disneyland remains the central attraction of Southern California, but the graveyard remains our reality. -
Charles Bukowski

Death Quotes

Disneyland remains the central attraction of Southern California, but the graveyard remains our reality. -
Charles Bukowski

Death Quotes

Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something while you live and it is in your power. -
Marcus Aurelius

Death Quotes

Do not contemplate the Essence of the UnVeiled, for the UnVeiled therein your World does not hold to polarities, nor of your conjectures; Chapter "The Unveiling -
AainaA-Ridtz A R

Death Quotes

Do not go gentle into that good night -
Dylan Thomas