Death Quotes

Death Quotes

I think that, with age, people come to realize that death is inevitable. And we need to learn to face it with serenity, wisdom and resignation. Death often frees us from a lot of senseless sufferings. -
Paulo Coelho

Death Quotes

I think...I think its always been you who was dying,"- Delaney -
Megan Miranda

Death Quotes

I tried to hang myself with a bungee cord. I kept almost dying. -
Steven Wright

Death Quotes

I want that. I want that awful intense and serious unhappiness, cos then I might feel better, and then I might be happy. -
David Thewlis

Death Quotes

I want to look at you as you kill me. -
Curtis Jobling

Death Quotes

I want you to tell all these people that I wanted more time to spend with them. Tell them I meant to, tell them I wanted to hear what they said and tell them what was on my mind. -
Kage Baker