Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Grief shared was grief lessened. -
Karen Marie Moning

Death Quotes

H...a....n...n...a...h......B...a...k...e..r....R...I...P... -

Death Quotes

Harry, you wonderful boy, you brave, brave man. -
J.K. Rowling

Death Quotes

he [Llewelyn Powys] has always in mind the great touchstone Death & consequently life is always judged as how far it fits us, or compensates us, for ultimately dying. -
Philip Larkin

Death Quotes

He brooded on how close destruction always was to all creatures, animals as well as humans, and he realized that there is nothing we can predict or know for certain in this world except death. -
Hermann Hesse

Death Quotes

He could not stand. It was notThat he could not thrive, he was bornWith everything but the will –That can be deformed, just like a limb.Death was more interesting to him.Life could not get his attention. -
Ted Hughes