Death Quotes

Death Quotes

No thought is born in me that does not bear the image of death. -
Michelangelo Buonarroti

Death Quotes

No, I regret nothing, all I regret is having been born, dying is such a long tiresome business I always found. -
Samuel Beckett

Death Quotes

Nobody seems to understand that in such matters the tact and sympathy should come from the one who is about to die, not the poor bugger who has to take the news. -
Stephen Fry

Death Quotes

Nor dread nor hope attendA dying animal;A man awaits his endDreading and hoping all. -
W.B. Yeats

Death Quotes

Nor matter what follow ur dreams u only have such a long time so pick what u want to do wisley. -

Death Quotes

Not since North Korean media declared Kim Jong-il to be the reincarnation of Kim Il Sung has there been such a blatant attempt to create a necrocracy, or perhaps mausolocracy, in which a living claimant assumes the fleshly mantle of the departed. -
Christopher Hitchens