Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Death, in its certainty, is exacting its due respect and repose before it takes my hand. -
Susan Abulhawa

Death Quotes

Death, in its certainty, is exacting its due respect and repose before it takes my hand. -
Susan Abulhawa

Death Quotes

Death, in its certainty, is exacting its due respect and repose before it takes my hand. -
Susan Abulhawa

Death Quotes

Death, in its certainty, is exacting its due respect and repose before it takes my hand. -
Susan Abulhawa

Death Quotes

Death, in its certainty, is exacting its due respect and repose before it takes my hand. -
Susan Abulhawa

Death Quotes

Death, in its certainty, is exacting its due respect and repose before it takes my hand. -
Susan Abulhawa