Death Quotes

Death Quotes

Death leaves cans of shaving cream half-used. -
Haruki Murakami

Death Quotes

Death loves death, not life. Dying people love to know that others die with them; it is a comfort to learn you are not alone in the kiln, in the grave. -
Ray Bradbury

Death Quotes

Death preserves an ideal. -
Rosie Thomas

Death Quotes

Death seemed to lose its terrors and to borrow a grace and dignity in sublime keeping with the life that was ebbing away. -
Charles Bracelen Flood

Death Quotes

Death stripes away many things, especially when it arrives at a temperature hot enough to vaporize iron ... The immortal remains of Brother Watchtower watched the dragon flap away into the fog .... -
Terry Pratchett

Death Quotes

Death truly does have life, and walks with and lives through us everyday. -
Nicholas A. McGirr