Death Quotes

Death Quotes

There is nothing for you in this bleak hospital room but a cold and empty nothingness that has no answers, can give no peace, will provide no comfort to the living. -
Rebecca James

Death Quotes

There is nothing for you in this bleak hospital room but a cold and empty nothingness that has no answers, can give no peace, will provide no comfort to the living. -
Rebecca James

Death Quotes

There is nothing for you in this bleak hospital room but a cold and empty nothingness that has no answers, can give no peace, will provide no comfort to the living. -
Rebecca James

Death Quotes

There is one who remembers the way to your door: Life you may evade, but Death you shall not. -
T.S. Eliot

Death Quotes

There is only one religion - it is a way a man dies. -
James Runcie

Death Quotes

There is travel and there are babies; everything else is drudgery and death. -
Dave Eggers You Shall Know Our Velocity