Death Quotes

Death Quotes

I mentally bless and exonerate anyone who has kicked a chair out from beneath her or swallowed opium in large chunks. My mind has met their environment, here in the void. I understand perfectly. -
Suzanne Finnamore

Death Quotes

I once feared death. It is said that death begins with the absence of life. And life begins when death is no longer feared. I have stared death in the eye and survived. -
Cheryl Kaye Tardif

Death Quotes

I planned my death carefully, unlike my life, which meandered along from one thing to another, despite my feeble attempts to control it. -
Margaret Atwood

Death Quotes

I really don’t want to see those angels die, but I know it will happen in more of the many dreams to come. Because the angels were fighting the most gruesome war of history—and war calls for death. -
Hannah Nikka Bryan

Death Quotes

I see black light (his last words) -
Victor Hugo

Death Quotes

I seem to walk on a transparent surface and see beneath me all the bones and wrecks and tentacles that will eventually claim me: in other words, old age, incapacity, loneliness, death of others & myself... -
Philip Larkin