Death Quotes

Death Quotes

As he watches the sun rise, what grieves him is that he failed her. He thinks of the terror she felt. They tell him it was quick, as if that will somehow confine the horror. -
Nancy Horan

Death Quotes

As I remember his laugh, there was nothing mad about it, it was more like the laugh of someone who has been the victim of a practical joke, a farce in which he had believed until suddenly he realized his folly. -
Guy Sajer

Death Quotes

As if the dead really do persist, even in a bottle of wine. -
Thomas Pynchon

Death Quotes

As soon as someone dies, frenzied construction of the future (shifting furniture, etc.): futuromania. -
Roland Barthes

Death Quotes

At liminality, at a transitional point between his last night dream and reality, he realizes he has made a big mistake and happiness is possible without death. (Coming back to himself.) -
Lara Biyuts

Death Quotes

At the end of the day your ability to connect with your readers comes down to how you make them feel. -
Benjamin J. Carey