Love Quotes

Love Quotes

If you claim to be a real friend then be real in your soul. If you claim to be fake then be an enemy instead. -
Santosh Kalwar

Love Quotes

If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. -
Emmet Fox

Love Quotes

If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. -
Emmet Fox

Love Quotes

If you don’t know how to love, then any old robot or mechanical device would best suit your relationship style. In this situation, vacuum cleaners might make the best lovers. -
Jarod Kintz

Love Quotes

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with. -
Michael Jackson

Love Quotes

If you ever looked at me once with what I know is in you, I would be your slave. -
Emily Brontë