Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational Quotes

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. -
Maya Angelou

Inspirational Quotes

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. -
Maya Angelou

Inspirational Quotes

There is no greater force for change than people inspired to live a better life. -
Steve Maraboli

Inspirational Quotes

There is no greater impotence in all the world like knowing you are right and that the wave of the world is wrong, yet the wave crashes upon you. -
Norman Mailer

Inspirational Quotes

There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing...when we save our children, we save ourselves -
Margaret Mead

Inspirational Quotes

There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort. -
Charlotte Brontë